Monday, January 9, 2012

mommy get it

Ellie is starting to talk more every day.  A few weeks ago she started putting a few words together at a time more purposefully than ever before.  We started hearing "Lahyou," "Areyou?" "Ellie turn," which made us smile.  She started telling us "Mimi nigh-night," or "Mimi up."  (She also tried to wake Mimi up, so she could tell us, "Mimi up.")  Lately she's been saying "Aldy eat it" after he snatches some of her food, asking for "Ellie room?" or "Daddy bed?" when the thought pops in her head.  These are just the most adorable things ever said,  right?  Or is it just me?

In any case, I had a crazy long day at work today and barely had a chance to check in with David, which is super unusual for me.  Feeling like a terrible mom when I came in at 7:30, I was hoping David would tell me he thought the girls missed me.  He said they did, but I think he just knew that was the right thing to say.  Ellie was in on the trick though, and when she wanted something (even if it was something silly like getting her milk), if David started to do it, she would throw a mini-tantrum and say "Mommy get it," which I realize is terribly annoying and silly, but was exactly what I needed and wanted to hear after a full day away from the girls.

I find myself amazed and loving all of Ellie's new words/sentences/pronunciations and at the same time sad that she's growing up so fast.  She's almost a full blown adult ready to clearly articulate her arguments.  Such giant steps from just throwing herself on the floor...

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