Tuesday, January 17, 2012

growing up

Mimi had her 6 month check up today and made Mama proud by being all cute to the doctor, "waving" when she came in, and just overall being the most adorable thing ever. Her current obsessions are busting a move (our whole family will happily demonstrate her style for you, complete with rahzel-like sound effects) and tearing up paper.  As you can see she was more than pleased with the paper on the exam table.  Good thing they didn't make us wait too long. 
She did great. Chunkier than ever. And her head?  Prominent ridges, but nothing to worry about. 
It was amazing to watch her looking for me for reassurance during the scarier parts of the exam.  I made sure to have the goofiest "yaaay, this is the greatest thing that will ever happen to you!" grin on my face.  I was able to bring her back from whimpers a few times... until the nurse stabbed her repeatedly in the thighs.

Every day, she becomes more of a real person and I can't help but wonder what kind of person she'll turn out to be.  I think I'm most excited about when she'll start interacting with Ellie (more than just pulling her hair or smiling at her).  I'm so curious (and anxious and scared!) about what their relationship will be.  I still remember throwing hairbrushes at Jess in middle school.   

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