Saturday, February 11, 2012

why i love my husband: eleven

Years ago, David and I spent a day with my Nanny and Papa asking them questions about their childhood, life, and love and we recorded a few special thoughts and quotes from them.  When I asked Nanny what the best thing about life was, she wrote:

"very grateful for having 7 wonderful kids, their spouses, and the best grandkids in the world! AND a husband who never denied me anything"

I thought it was awesomely amazing that Nanny could say that about Papa so confidently.  I would have never described their relationship that way.  Nanny is a strong woman and I believe she pretty much always gets what she wants, but I think I also thought Papa was a "tough guy," who wouldn't bend out of his way to appease his wife.  I've thought differently about them since Nanny pointed it out to me.  Nanny does always get what she wants, and it's because Papa's always happy to give it to her.

One of my most favorite things about David and one of the reasons I'm so lucky is that this sentiment rings true for my husband, too.  And it doesn't mean that he's a pushover.  He'll question my judgement and caution me against silly, brash, or outrageous ideas but if something is really important to me and if I want it bad enough, he does whatever he can to provide for me to make me happy.  This means I lead a luxurious life in big ways (building things, painting rooms, having a zillion kids?) and in small (he makes my coffee, gets me fountain pop, kills bugs).  Does that make me spoiled?  :) 

p.s. wondering what Papa said was the best thing about life?  "marrying the most beautiful woman in the world."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful post!!!