Wednesday, January 25, 2012

recovery, eh?

So... we've officially contracted our first super nasty common childhood illness and it has to be the one with the worst name ever.  We confirmed today that Ellie's puke-fest Friday night and lazy Saturday were the first stages of HandFoot&MouthDisease.  OMG. I barely convinced myself to admit that.  So at some point in the past week, Ellie came in contact with the nasal mucous, saliva, sputum, or ---- of an infected person.  Now she's lucky enough to have blisters on her hands, feet, and mouth.  Luckily her case seems to be pretty mild and she hasn't been too disturbed by the symptoms... except for during 3 hour stints in the middle of the night when she screams non-stop in her bed: "Mommy, areyou Mommy?" or "Daaaaaddy, areyou Daddy?" So fun. 

This week has been continually exhausting--first dealing with a sick/sad/needy baby, then worrying about what the blisters might be, confirming what they are, and now freaking the freak about whether Mimi, or Finn, or any of Ellie's friends are going to get sick too.  Like I said, OMG.  Contagion up in here.

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