Every day for the past 4 weeks, someone in our babysitter's family has been sick. Fevers, nausea, coughing, oozing eyes. Gross. We kept Ellie home the whole time, and, with the help of grandparents, understanding employers and coworkers, and complete abandon for any normal sense of daily life, we made it work.
The first day home was too much fun. All day I kept thinking, "I'm not sick, Ellie's not sick, but I still can't go to work!" It was so much better than staying home when you actually are sick, and even so much better than staying home when you're pretending you are sick (because those days are filled with worry... that you might (1.) get caught or (2.) get hit by a bad case of karma and find yourself actually sick/with a broken down car/etc.) As day after day passed, I felt more exhausted by the demands piling up at work and the number of favors we had called in. It was an awesome time for Ellie to spend with her grandparents (plus extra time with her super fun parents). Taking her back to Laura's was bittersweet. Ellie was excited to see her (which, OMG, what a relief) and I guess it was nice to be at meetings today without trying to entertain Little Miss Independent who wants to be walking around and eating everything she can't. (shoes? really?)
The newest problem in our little world is that Ellie's teeth have finally decided to make an appearance, leaving us with a slobbering, snotting, and very-fast-to-scream-and-cry-infant. Is it just her teeth or is she getting sick? How are we supposed to figure this out since the little one can't talk? Moms? Not only is she crabby, but I'm crabby, too; with an upset stomach, sore throat, and achy body. Blah.
You might think it's crazy that I'm surprised (again) by how much this little babe has changed my life. The extra care and attention that she needs always takes priority in my mind, but it's a struggle to balance that, while trying to work and maintain the rest of our life. It's so much more of a struggle right now, with all these germs floating around. It's only October. How many more months until spring and good health? Eek. I feel like a bad employee (barely working, very unfocused), an unhealthy person (so much fast food, why do we have a gym membership?), and a shell of the old me. I guess the most important part right now is that I don't feel like a bad mom. Mostly, I think Ellie agrees with me.
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